Strange Wordings

Thoughts on fantasy, science fiction and genre writing in general . . . stuff that's strange.

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Location: Fredericksburg, Virginia

These Blogs are largely about the process of coercing words out of my head (at times I convince myself that I am a novelist). Thoughts about current reading and/or fantasy literature and writing in general may disgorge at random.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

What's going on

Been quiet a while, what with holidays, personal stuff, work heating up a bit. Here's what I'm up to: putting aside all manuscripts at the moment to refocus on doing short fiction for the next six months. I've also retooled the query letter for RoseThorn, and will be set to send out about a dozen queries (hopefully this weekend). Still haven't heard from the one agent that requested the full manuscript, so that's still out there. Anyway, that's the plan. I've already finished a short story since I've decided to go this route, one is kind of outlined, more have been brainstormed. So, soon I will be tormenting the various zines and journals.


Blogger Unknown said...

What's the haps, Brian! You really need to get with LiveJournal - blogger is a lonely place! :D

Hope you and the fam had a good Christmas.

5:40 PM  

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