Strange Wordings

Thoughts on fantasy, science fiction and genre writing in general . . . stuff that's strange.

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Location: Fredericksburg, Virginia

These Blogs are largely about the process of coercing words out of my head (at times I convince myself that I am a novelist). Thoughts about current reading and/or fantasy literature and writing in general may disgorge at random.

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Grendelsong 2 released

Ah, I should have done this a day or two ago but . . . um, I'm lazy or something. It's my sleep schedule, and the sheer effort of keeping up with Catherine.

Anyway, Grendelsong #2 is out and ready to entertain you. Virtual release party here, with fiction by a who's who of up and coming writers (er, I mean pixel-stained technopeasants).


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