Strange Wordings

Thoughts on fantasy, science fiction and genre writing in general . . . stuff that's strange.

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Location: Fredericksburg, Virginia

These Blogs are largely about the process of coercing words out of my head (at times I convince myself that I am a novelist). Thoughts about current reading and/or fantasy literature and writing in general may disgorge at random.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Terrible News

Paul Jessup has announced that Grendelsong is going on hiatus, which probably means that he's not ready to face throwing the dirt into the grave just yet. This is awful, because Paul was one of the few actually innovative editors that I know of, and I feel bad because I had not yet subscribed. (Yeah, I'm part of the problem. But this isn't about me. Besides, I did buy Hal's chapbook . . .) So, anyway, I'm posting about this instead of sending Paul condolences because he said not to do the latter.

Terrible news.


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